ONE: Just returned from a meeting at the inspirational WIMSA Memorial in Washington, DC, where we learned that the FLYGIRLS of WWII Exhibit is invited to be on display for the next YEAR! YES, this is wonderful news—and we are excited that thousands of people will have the opportunity to learn about the WASP!
TWO: SCHEDULE CHANGE for the OFFICIAL OPENING of the FLYGIRLS OF WWII EXHIBIT and the 11th Anniversary of WIMSA -- NOVEMBER 14, 2008 AT 11 AM.
This date is of some significance to the WASP. On this day, 66 years ago, the first class arrived in Houston and gathered together at a hotel in downtown Houston. The next day, they 'reported in' at the Houston Municipal Airport, raised their right hands, took the 'Oath', and officially became WFTD trainees.
WIMSA will be sending official invitations out to all the WASP, but I wanted to share this date with those of you online ASAP.
I hope some of you will be able to come—and, if not on the 14th, then at some time during the NEXT YEAR!!!
God bless you all,
I will be there from New Mexico! Having written the first academic study of the WASPs for my MA in History at Washington State University in the late 1970's, I know how wonderful this event will be. It has been my special joy to know many WASPs through the years and to honor them at the Women's Memorial is perfect. As WASP Bernice Falk Haydu said when I told her I was an Army veteran, "Oh, well you will understand our story." Indeed, the best thing about the thesis was giving the WASPs back their own history. They knew only their personal stories, not the WASPs' achievement as a military unit. This exhibit will do them justice in the most precious venue I know.
Natalie J. Stewart-Smith
Greetings! It is the eve of Nov 12th and I have just found out about the event at WIMSA. My mom was a WASP trainee and I have been searching for an event to bring her. We cannot come on 48 hours notice, but would love to know of any other event honoring WASPS. If you have info, please let me know. marsuzial@yahoo.com
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